Ivy Hydration

Available now in office and concierge!

Ivy Hydration

As the body is nearly 60% water, proper hydration is essential to overall health and wellness. Water consumed through drinking undergoes a long process before it’s absorbed into various parts of the body. In IV Hydration, a blend of saline solution and vitamins is injected directly into the bloodstream through a vein, allowing for quick hydration and absorption. IV hydration can be booked as concierge, making it a great option before or after big days, such as weddings, sporting events, and holidays. IV hydration prices start at $100 and will vary with additives.

Vitamin B-12 shot

The benefits of a B-12 shot include: preventing anemia, alleviating anxiety, improving sleep, boosting energy, supporting heart health, reducing risk of birth defects, easing morning sickness, preventing osteoporosis, reducing risk of macular degeneration, boosting immunity, aiding weight-loss, preventing hair-loss, and enhancing skin health and appearance. This service is available with concierge consultation (coming soon).

Group Concierge

Consultations are available individually or in groups! Please call or email us to book.

Click “learn more” to book your hydration service.